Thursday, July 13, 2023

EPFO's Subscriber's Increased Calamity, This Number Indicating Balance Is Out Of Order

Because the number given to check the account balance is not working.EPFO's Subscriber's Increased Calamity, Number Indicating Balance  Out Of Order

More than 6 crore Subscribers of EPFO ​​are facing a big problem in Account Balance & Statement checks sitting at home. Because the number 011-29401406 given to check account balance is not working. On matching the number from a mobile, landline, the message of Out of Order (this number is not in service) is coming. Due to the sudden non-working of this number, those who check PF balance are facing a lot of trouble. Not only this, no response is being received on calls on the number of local offices of EPFO. 

The list of these numbers is given on

We have also informed EPFO ​​about this on its official Twitter handle. It is also wanted to know that if the number of Account Balances & Statement checks has changed, then its information should be given so that the problem of Subscribers can be removed.

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Check your PF balance like this

Explain that the EPFO ​​also tells on the tweet about the online methods for checking the amount deposited in the account and for other work. He had said in a recent tweet that to know the PF balance, as soon as you make a missed call on 011-22901406, all the information will come through the message on the registered mobile number. It will also mention the EPF account number, name, date of birth, EPF balance, and last deposited amount in the account.

Suggest other ways

However, EPFO ​​has also suggested other ways to check Account Balance & Statements. In this, you can get all the information related to EPFO ​​through Umang App. Subsequent to downloading the UMANG application, register in it and give your UAN. After OTP verification, you can easily check the PF account balance and all the details.


EPF passbook on the mobile app

You can also view the EPF passbook on this mobile app. If you want partial withdrawal from EPF, then you can fill the claim here. You can also get all the information related to EPF through the website of EPFO. You can download your passbook anytime by visiting the EPFO ​​Passbook Portal.

What service is providing online EPFO

Universal Account Number (UAN)

Online PF withdrawal

Online payment in PF amount

Transfer of PF from one account to another

SMS alert to check PF balance

View, Download EPF Passbook

Grievance Redressal Information and Procedure

Certificate for international workers

Online registration of establishments



Because the number 011-29401406 given to check the account balance is not working. It is also wanted to know that if the number of Account Balances & Statement checks has changed, then its information should be given so that the problem of Subscribers can be removed. It will also mention the EPF account number, name, date of birth, EPF balance, and last deposited amount in the account.

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