Monday, September 25, 2023

"Online Handmade Marketplace Guide"

The Ultimate Guide to Online Marketplaces for Selling Handmade Products from a Home-Based Business

Online Marketplaces for Selling Handmade Products

Online Marketplaces for Selling Handmade Products


The rise of e-commerce has opened up a world of opportunities for home-based businesses, especially those in the realm of handmade products. With numerous online marketplaces available, artisans and crafters can showcase their creations to a global audience. However, choosing the right platform is crucial for success. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the best online marketplaces for selling handmade products, considering factors like fees, audience, and ease of use.

Etsy: The Handmade Haven

Founded in 2005, Etsy has become the go-to platform for artisans and crafters. With millions of active buyers, it offers a vast and engaged audience.

Etsy is known for its straightforward listing process, which includes adding high-quality images and detailed product descriptions.

While Etsy charges a small listing fee and a percentage of each sale, it provides a robust set of tools and resources to help sellers succeed.

Sellers can customize their shops and benefit from Etsy's integrated payment system.

Amazon Handmade: Reaching a Massive Audience

Amazon Handmade, launched in 2015, allows artisans to tap into Amazon's extensive customer base.

It offers a variety of product categories, making it suitable for a wide range of handmade items.

Amazon provides fulfillment services, simplifying shipping and customer service for sellers.

However, fees on Amazon Handmade can be higher than other platforms, so it's essential to carefully consider the cost structure.

eBay: Auctions and Fixed Price Listings

eBay has been a popular e-commerce platform for years, offering both auctions and fixed-price listings for handmade products.

While it may have a broader range of products, eBay can still be an excellent option for crafters, especially those who want the flexibility of auction-style listings.

eBay offers a global reach and a straightforward listing process, but sellers should be mindful of fees and competition.


Shopify: Building Your Own Brand

For home-based businesses looking to create their own brand identity, Shopify is an excellent choice.

Shopify allows sellers to set up their online stores with complete control over customization, branding, and design.

While it requires more effort in terms of marketing and attracting customers, it offers greater autonomy and potentially higher profit margins.

Big Cartel: Simple and Artist-Friendly

Big Cartel caters specifically to artists and independent makers, providing a platform that is easy to use and customize.

It offers free plans for small businesses and a range of pricing options for growing enterprises.

Big Cartel is particularly appealing to artists and designers looking for a user-friendly and artist-centric marketplace.

Zibbet: Multi-Channel Selling

Zibbet allows sellers to list their handmade products not only on its platform but also on Etsy, Amazon, and other channels simultaneously.

This multi-channel approach can help artisans expand their reach without the need for separate listings on each platform.

Zibbet offers various subscription plans, making it suitable for both new and established sellers.

ArtFire: A Marketplace for Artisans

ArtFire is designed for artisans, offering features like inventory management, customizable shops, and marketing tools.

It offers tiered pricing plans, including a free option for beginners, making it accessible to crafters at all stages of their business.


Handmade at Amazon: The Artisan Corner of Amazon

Handmade at Amazon is a separate section within Amazon's vast marketplace dedicated to handmade and artisanal products.

It benefits from Amazon's trust and visibility while specifically catering to handmade sellers.

However, sellers must go through a stringent application process to join this platform.

Facebook Marketplace and Instagram Shopping: Social Selling

Social media platforms like Facebook Marketplace and Instagram Shopping have become increasingly popular for selling handmade products.

These platforms leverage the power of social networks and allow sellers to reach their followers directly.

They are particularly effective for building a loyal customer base and leveraging social proof.

WooCommerce: Integrating with WordPress

For home-based businesses that already have a WordPress website, WooCommerce can be a powerful solution.

It's a free plugin that seamlessly integrates with WordPress, allowing sellers to add e-commerce functionality to their existing site.

While it offers complete control and customization, it does require more technical expertise.



The world of online marketplaces offers an array of options for home-based businesses selling handmade products. Choosing the right platform depends on your specific needs, audience, and business goals. Etsy remains a popular choice for its dedicated handmade focus, while Amazon Handmade offers access to a massive customer base. Other platforms like Shopify and Big Cartel offer more autonomy and branding control, while Zibbet and ArtFire provide multi-channel selling options. Ultimately, the best online marketplace for your handmade business will align with your unique vision and strategy, helping you turn your crafting passion into a profitable venture.


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